Effective SEO Trends in Future

M. Naeem Akhtar

CEO of DMT Lahore & Trainer

Dear friends, in this post I want to share with you my thoughts about how the sphere of website promotion will develop in the coming year and make an SEO forecast for Future.


In Google, the mobile index will become the main index and will be updated more often than the desktop index. This is a new round of Internet evolution.

At the moment, about 60% of all users’ requests on the world’s Internet, according to Google , accounted for mobile devices.

Therefore, it is very important that each site has a mobile version, ideally with adaptive layout, which automatically changes depending on the screen size of the devices.

Optimization Check For Mobile

Google by leaps and bounds goes to the future. In late 2015, Google announced the project Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages).

Its essence is that the AMP versions of the pages of your site are stored in Google and downloaded to the user’s device directly from the database of this search engine. Thanks to this, the pages of your site are loaded almost instantly.

AMP pages are very light and simple pages, on which there is nothing superfluous – only content.

All the world’s leading news sites have already implemented support for Accelerated Mobile Pages. I think soon this fashion trend will “cover” sites of all types, from portals to blogs and from online stores to forums.

Now I had a thought. Often when you hit a forum from the results of the issuance, we get to the page for printing, which does not contain anything superfluous, only the content. From it you can go to the normal page of the forum.

As the saying goes, everything new is a well-forgotten old.  Who knows, maybe Google employees brought pages to print for a new round of development and made a new format based on this – accelerated mobile pages.

At the moment, AMP pages in Google’s output are displayed and marked with a zipped sign (for example, I typed the query “Digital Media Trend”):

By the way, do you think the official tramp site has SEO optimizers?  Write your opinion in the comments.

Probably there are very interesting budgets and there are no problems with funding and ranking . Plus there are a lot of natural links, the number of which grows by leaps and bounds.

It would be necessary to increase the number of links with gov and edu, and social signals are not enough:

There are already additional plug-ins, for example, Glue for Yoast SEO & AMP, to change colors and other moments in AMP pages.

To check the correctness of the accelerated mobile pages, you can use the Online Validators.

The future is precisely behind such technologies as AMP.

However, not only Google develops such technologies. Facebook is also on the right wave. Go to “Facebook instant articles”. There is already an appropriate plugin called Instant Articles for WP.

Short Mobile Content

I named this point so, because I could not think of another option.

I believe that another consequence of the priority of mobile search over the desktop is that it will be better to rank the content that best answers the user’s request. Or individual pages will be ranked.

In short, if a page or part of it responds well to a user’s question, it will be a tangible signal of ranking.

Methods of Promotion

What methods of promotion will be most effective in Future? Here’s my opinion:

Attraction of target visitors from thematic discussions

This is a very interesting and promising direction for getting traffic to the promoted site. It is possible that gradually it will bud and become an independent sphere, like SEO Services In Lahore or SMO Services In Lahore

Maybe he will be called CMO (Crowd Marketing Optimization, Crowd Marketing Optimization) or something else

The essence of this method is to attract interested visitors from various discussions on the topic of your site or the promoted page from forums, blogs, websites and social networks, as well as Youtube video service, etc.

And do not just place the link immediately, which in many cases does not work and leads to the removal of the message, but with the help of various ingenious techniques.

For example, create a conversation using several accounts (ideally – pre-grown, not new ones) or first ask a question, then participate in the discussion without any links, and in a few days or weeks post a message with a link to the page being promoted, which will be a kind of solution delivered Problems, and most visitors will be interested to click on the link to solve their problem, and your page will solve it better than others.

Content Marketing

With this method, everything is clear – good and high-quality content is well promoted in search engines and social networks and allows you to effectively increase attendance.

All you need is to learn how to create this content. By experience, I can say that you first need to master this method yourself, and only after that search and train copywriters. Less than 1% of copywriters know how to create truly high-quality content.

If the article in a few weeks after publication did not hit the top 50 on its main request, it means that it has problems with content and internal optimization.

Promotion with Video

Video is another very effective direction for website promotion and attracting visitors. It is suitable for sites of most types and subjects.

It is possible that in the next SEO projections I will put the promotion with video at the first or second place in terms of effectiveness.

Promotion of articles and quality links

The essence of this method is clear to all – it is desirable to post links and articles on good trust sites on topics. You need to do this in reasonable quantities. Links should be used to give the initial impulse to the promoted site or page for getting into the top and that in the future they are fixed there and begin to receive natural links and visitors.

At the same time, the site or page should be qualitative and useful for visitors and not be inferior in terms of information and internal optimization to leading competitors. If there is no benefit, then the links will not give effect.

Getting natural social references

The bottom line is that the promoted page begins to receive natural Sharing,  retweets and reposts from those visitors who cross it. This is an important point in many subjects.

Social signals indicate that this page is in demand among users and causes a certain backlash in social networks.

Direct social signals do not affect progress, but I think search engines take into account how many mentions a particular page has and can use it when ranking.

By experience, I can say that the maximum effect is given by social signals in the accounts of authoritative users. For example, if it’s a popular blogger who has several thousand natural followers on Twitter. One of his tweet will give more effect than dozens and hundreds of tweets from the accounts of ordinary users.

All of the above promotion methods are well suited to additionally pump them through the system of multilevel links, about which I wrote in this article

The only thing – social signals on the first level need to be pumped with social signals in the same social network.

I will explain. For example, on Twitter there is a message with a link to the promotion page of your site. It is desirable to feed this message with retweets and likes from other accounts. Similarly, for other social networks.

To promote the videos on Youtube, the likes, comments, high-retention views, comments and insertions of this video on the pages of other sites (blogs, forums, sites, as well as free blogs on tumblr.com, wordpress.com etc.).

E-mail Newsletter

Mailings – this is one of the most undervalued methods of promotion. Look at the English-speaking Internet – there almost all websites offer e-mail subscription, as this is a very effective way of forming a regular audience of readers who will return to the site again and again with the appearance of new materials on it.

I think that in the coming years the role of e-mail mailings will increase.

I myself am actively studying the various nuances of e-mail marketing, reading articles and watching educational videos on Youtube, because I see in it a great potential.


It is advisable to transfer your sites to the secure HTTPS protocol during this year.

Directly on the effectiveness of the promotion, it does not effect, but there is an indirect effect (Google Chrome will display a message that sites without this protocol are unsafe, in public wi-fi networks can steal your traffic, etc.).

Plus, you need to consider that few people will translate garbage sites to this protocol (who have hundreds and thousands of them).

On commercial sites and on sites where payments are accepted and information about users is processed, HTTPS is mandatory. If you have not yet translated such a site, then you need to hurry.

Information resources, blogs and forums are also desirable to be translated into HTTPS within this year.

The number of sites on HTTPS will grow. You do not need to consider that just switching to HTTPS will give you an explosive flow of traffic and bring your site to a new level of attendance. It will work only in conjunction with other factors.

In short, do not resist progress. (Just relax and swim with the flow, or do not resist what happens).

Voice Search

With the growing number of mobile devices, voice search is becoming more popular.

A few years ago, in the SEO forecast for 2012 , I assumed that the popularity of voice search will grow.

According to Google , already 20% of all user requests from mobile devices are typed using voice. And more than 40% of users started using voice search only in the last 6 months. Experts predict growth to 50% in 2020.

What does this mean for SEO? Users will ask much more low-frequency queries, especially in the form of questions consisting of 5-7 or more words, for example:

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As you can see, in voice search, great importance will be given to requests with high specificity. It is for such requests to create and Optimize Content right now.

I think many are already tired of the fact that it is difficult to find really valuable and useful materials on many information requests. Now in the issuance of many uninformative articles, which retell the same thing in different words.

Most likely, the reason is that many copywriters, when they receive an assignment to write an article, simply open the first page on demand and rewrite it in their own words. The text is unique, but no value for users.

I hope that the search engines will pay more attention to this moment in the near future, and it will be better to rank useful pages with specific answers to questions. Voice search in this will be very effective.

Artificial Intelligence

Google already has a system of artificial intelligence.  Their essence lies in the fact that search engines come to a qualitatively new level in understanding user requests and processing and understanding texts. Search engines are now looking for meaning, not words.

I am sure that in the coming years the search algorithms will become even more complex and intelligent. Soon they will be able to understand texts at the level of a person.

That’s all for today. These were my thoughts on what will be relevant in Future.

I wish you high attendance and success in business!


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